Heaps of games for you to learn about this Melbourne International Games Week with teams from all across Australia.
This year we couldn't make in person to bring you our usual indie games coverage you love, so instead we put together something special to take it's place.
We're calling it the SIFTER SHOWCASE
Broadcast on Saturday October 2nd 2021 12:00PM AEST on twitch.tv/sifterhq , we'll be launched SIFTER in style with a five hour livestream.
Interviews, live gameplay, previews, trailers and more will be be part of this celebration of locally made games.
Featuring 15 teams across the country who are making amazing video games
Catch up on the games featured in the SIFTER Showcase below, we'll be publishing a few of these interviews every day during Melbourne International Games Week.
They've got a long history of supporting smaller independent media, so we thank them for their help. Check them out on Twitter and tell them we sent you.
SpaceDraft have also put together this great interactive map of the showcase, click on through to check it out!