Big small, indie or published, free or paid we've collected your submissions and here are 2020's Australian made games.
We said this last year, but wow what an amazing year for Australian made video games and this year staying inside to play them was one of the best options for many of us.
For our 2020 list we've teamed up with Brendan Keogh and the information you've provided will be used in future academic research on the scope of Australia's domestic video game production industry at all levels, from jam games to multi-platform releases.
Throughout 2020 we asked you to tell us what games you released and we've worked hard to bring you another definitive list, building on our 2019 list and previous efforts by Ash Ringrose at SMG and Brendan Keogh.
Did we get them all? Let us know if you're game isn't listed below and we'll update this story with the details: 2020 Australian Videogames Form
Did we miss your game? Let us know if you're game isn't listed below and we'll update this story with the details: 2020 Australian Videogames Form
If you like to learn more about Australian made games you can follow Pixel Sift on social media Twitter,Facebook, Instagram or watch us on Twitch or subscribe to our podcasts Pixel Sift, our game development interview show and Mainstream, our Triple A games show on your podcast players.